Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mama, does that hurt?

I guess I make some pretty awful faces while excercising since that is what JB asks me.  Or 'Do you need help mama?'.  Meanwhile, Pearl thinks it is hysterical when I'm doing abs and arms.  She crawls over to stand up on me all the whiles laughing.  The more I grunt and sweat the funnier it seems to be.  But then she likes to laugh at JB when he cries.  Hum....wonder what is up with that girl? 
What a nice girl adding a little weight to my squats!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

I am nursing my 8 month old.  I have always had a tentative milk supply so doing this excercise program makes me nervous that it will effect that supply.  A nursing mom needs 300-500 more calories a day than a non-nursing mom.  And though I'm not calorie counting I am constantly monitering whether or not I am getting enough calories to sustain a good supply as well as making that extra snack be as nutritious as possible.  Lots of water too!  So far so good.  Nursing is always a challenge in making sure that baby has enough to eat at all times.  Nursing on demand, extra water, and herb teas for milk seem to keep us going strong.  She has started solids which adds a whole new dimension to the 'enough' equation.  But she does seem happy. 

I am seeing some results.  I can do 10 sit ups without shaking, yippee:) 

So tired today after a long day walking around D.C. yesterday.  We did 4 hours at the zoo and then went to the FDR memorial.  Today Shannon greeted me with a new leg work out that really did kick my butt.  Ouch.  I decided to keep going and walk/jog to the library.  A very smart friend suggested listening to books on CD while excercing.  I think it might work out nicely.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Before Pictures

Away from Home

I've taken the show on the road. Only 1 week in and I am already testing my will power. We've gone to DC for a few days. So far so good.

Breakfast was 2 hardboiled eggs and a pear.

Lunch a huge salad. Lots of veggies and some chicken.

Snack was a handful of almonds.

Dinner was ham (1 piece) and a ton of greenbeans.

Walked for a total of almost 2 hours today. Still have to do my upper body and abs. Amazing how weak my upper body is. Pathetic that when I make a muscle there is no muscle:(

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Journey to a Lesser 10

Well, here it goes - my first blog ever. I wanted to record and share my awesome journey at losing the last 10 pounds of baby blubber.

My fabulous neighbor Shannon has taken me on as her guinea pig. She is starting a new fitness program aimed at women to help them loose those elusive 10.

I started on April 8th. I'm going to put it all out there to share so you can keep me accountable.

My stats:
135 lbs
Bust 34 3/4 - hope this doesn't get any smaller:"
Waist 32 1/2
Hips 38 1/4

I've never actually excersiced. Last time I did a sit- up was in junior high. I tried joining the gym once but it was too much work. I love to walk and have pretty strong legs but no upper body strength.

I am so excited to meet a stronger, leaner me!